Experts in Managing DOT Drug Testing Programs

Keep pace with the industry’s regulatory environment. Get PTC on your team.

What We Provide

Out of the box compliance.

Alcohol & Drug Policy

Our audit-tested DOT Alcohol & Drug Testing Plans include automatic updates (no additional charge) as DOT regulations change. Plans offered for PHMSA, FMCSA, FRA, USCG and FAA modal requirements.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Quickly schedule, test, and track drug and alcohol collections online through our custom-built eTEST module. Standard drug and alcohol kits and materials are also available.

Account Executive

An experienced and dedicated Account Executive is assigned to your organization, providing daily administration of testing and monitoring of your program.

Random Testing

PTC handles random testing coordination, including computerized random number generation. Providing utmost objectivity and fairness to all employees.

Pool Management

You can manage your employee information, pool assignments and the addition or deletion of employees.

Collection Sites

Testing is conducted through our nationwide network of drug and alcohol testing facilities. On-site testing and after-hours emergency testing is available too. With thousands of facilities to choose from, we are confident you’ll find a testing facility near you.

Certified Laboratory

Services provided by SAMHSA-certified Clinical Reference Laboratory. We conduct periodic reviews and on-site audits of CRL to ensure their compliance.

In-House MRO Services

Medical Review Officer services are provided by our very own sister organization, American Medical Review Officers, LLC.

Our exclusive, in-house service provides you with quicker turnaround-times and direct access to the MRO.

DOT Supervisor Training

Our online, two-hour Reasonable Cause training course empowers your supervisors to recognize signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol misuse. In addition to the training, you have online access to all certificates of completion via our eTRAIN learning management system.

Awareness Materials

Employee assistance materials on drug and alcohol awareness are available for both employees and supervisors. These materials are offered in both English and Spanish.

DOT History Checks

We perform the DOT drug and alcohol previous employer history checks required on new DOT applicants. Furthermore, we compare the completion of these checks with your DOT employee roster to help you determine compliance.

Substance Abuse Professional Services

We monitor return-to-duty completion and follow-up testing schedules established by the SAP.

MIS/Statistical Data Reports

Your testing data is tracked on a quarterly basis and available for your viewing. We generate your MIS statistical data and help ensure you’ve met the required DOT random testing rates. 

Automatic Data Submissions

We can setup your employee rosters, plans, statistical data to be automatically submitted to requesting agencies on a daily, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. 

We regularly submit information to over 50 auditing agencies and pipeline operators on our client’s behalf… including twice-daily submissions to our sister company, National Compliance Management Service, Inc.

Online DER Training

Learn what it takes to manage a successful DOT testing program. It’s also included in your program!

Web Access & Control

Unlock PTC Online, our comprehensive portal with access to your most vital drug and alcohol testing data.

…and more

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